John M. Hauth
John Hauth has a legacy of strong values and a great work ethic that was passed to him from his parents and inspired by his mentors during his professional development. John was motivated in the classroom by the likes of Lois Wagner and John Thatcher while completing his undergraduate work in Athletic Training at East Strousdburg University (1983). John shows his love for the profession through his work ethic and his concern and care for his students' physical and mental well being. There will always be a caring mentor at ESU as long as John Hauth is still there. After ESU, John went on to complete his Master's Degree at the University of Arizona where he studied under the tutelage of Gary Delforge and worked in one of the first high school outreach programs. As John's career developed and after returning to ESU (1985), he pursued advanced study and completed his doctoral Degree from the University of Sarasota. His dissertation topic was "The Incidence of Sexual Harassment Among Students Enrolled in CAAHEP-Accredited Athletic Training Programs," again, showing his concern for students.
Upon arriving at ESU, he was asked to serve on the Public Relations committee of PATS. Not long after, he initiated the publication of the PATS Newsletter. The objective of this publication was to keep the general public and the professionals up-to-date on the advocacy efforts of the field of Athletic Training in Pennsylvania. In 1987, he was asked to chair the Membership Committee and was responsible for technology upgrades that allowed the organization to better utilize the database it already had. At the same time, John served as Parliamentarian for the PATS Board of Directors, and was responsible for raising awareness of PATS current issues. In 1991, he was appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee, and in 1992, he was elected President Elect. During his time as President Elect, President and PAST President, John worked to establish the Governor's first Athletic Training Week, developed the PATS Scholarships, and made upgrades in all PATS publications. He pursued legislative efforts for a separate bill for the licensure of Athletic Trainers. John received help and guidance from his peers including, Joe Iezzi, Barry McGlumphy, Paula Turocy, Steve Heckler, Sandy Bush, and many more. John served Pennsylvania as our Representative for the EATA and the NATA. He has also been very active as an organizer of the NATA Educators' Conference.
John has been published in many peer-reviewed journals and has presented at numerous PATS, EATA and NATA Conventions and Symposia. He has advised numerous graduate research projects and Master's Theses. John has received grants from national organizations and ESU over his twenty-three year tenure. He willingly volunteers to speak and advocate his support for national and local health organizations. He has conducted workshops for high school and age-group coaches in support of safe athletics. John has been awarded the PATS Service Award, PATS Board of Service Award, PATS Special Recognition Award (Bills 371 & 371), NATA 25 Year Award, and membership in the Iota Tau Alpha Athletic Training honorary Fraternity. John is married to Lynn (1985) and has three children, Amanda, Kendall, and Conner. Today, John, we honor you for your dedication, professionalism, and especially, caring for family, athletes, advisees, students, and peers.

Steven J. Heckler
Steve is a native of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and was influenced at an early age by two local ATCs who are both Hall of Famers: Bruce Vogelsong at Dickinson College and Dick Burkholder at Carlisle High School. In 1968, Steve entered West Chester State College where he learned from Hall of Famer Phil Donley. Immediately, following his graduation in 1972, Steve was hired as the youngest faculty member at Hamilton, a private, Liberal Arts College in upstate New York, where he served as both the head athletic trainer and head baseball coach for three years.
In 1975, Steve was hired as the head ATC, and later, Director of Sports Medicine at Shippensburg University where he worked for the next twenty-seven years. Throughout that time, Steve mentored numerous undergraduates in his internship program sending them to West Chester's summer athletic training program. He also counseled and mentored over fifty graduate students during his tenure. Many of Steve's undergraduate and graduate students have taken leadership roles throughout our state and nation.
Steve was the very first full-time certified athletic trainer hired at Shippensburg University. Shippensburg experienced constant, dramatic growth in its sports medicine facilities over his career there. The first act Steve undertook in 1975 was to make his facility accessible to female student-athletes. Steve served as medical coordinator for numerous athletic events, such as, twenty years for various PIAA championships, ten years for the PA Senior Games, two years for the Big 33 Football Classic, and was featured along with Dr. Mike Cordas on the popular TV series, Emergency 911, seen by twenty-million viewers.
Steve served in many capacities within PATS. He was a member of the Honors & Awards and Public Relations committees, co-founded our popular Golf Tournament, which created our first student scholarship award, and was later elected president. As President, Steve was instrumental in our society's reorganization through increased regional representation, the student symposium, our convention, and the creation of the Pennsylvania Athletic Training Hall of Fame. His most important contribution was to our decade long battle for a new, modern practice act. Along with many others, Steve's tireless efforts, contributions and leadership in Harrisburg and elsewhere helped lead to passage of the 2001 law we work under today. Even after seven years of retirement, Steve still serves PATS on our Long Range Planning committee, and continues to mentor former students and colleagues.
Steve is honored for his promotion of diversity and his involvement, loyalty and dedication to the profession of athletic training.
Steve and his wife, Vonnie, reside in Florida, not far from the Gulf of Mexico. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Bethany and Jennifer.