AthleticTrainers (ATs) continue to lead in concussion education! PATS is pleased to announce our partnership with PA Department of Health to provide additional concussion education throughout the commonwealth via our new FREE concussion App. All you need to do is search your phone’s App store for “PATS concussion toolbox.” This is a free App which provides concussion signs and symptoms, FAQs for parents, links of interests, events, and ConcussionWise training for coaches, parents, and athletes. The app is available for Apple and Android operating systems.
Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers' Society (PATS) was fortunate to be awarded a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health in July 2014 to help fund concussion education and advocacy efforts across the Commonwealth. The PATS Department of Health Grant Committee has worked in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pennsylvania Medical Society and Sports Safety International on Sports-Related Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and has made a tremendous impact in concussion education to improve healthcare of youth sports athletes in the Commonwealth.
Collaboration highlights include:
Developed a peer-reviewed online concussion education program for physicians, physician assistants and school nurses. 354 physicians, 113 physician assistants and 143 school nurses have completed the program.

Developed a peer-reviewed online concussion education program for Coaches, Parents and Athletes that educated 93,696 of these individuals over the first 4 years.
Provided educational program for athletic trainers to become ConcussionWise Instructors allowing them to make live concussion education presentations throughout the Commonwealth. To date there has been 164 presentations attended by 4207 coaches, parents and athletes participating in youth sports.

PATS in conjunction with iHeart Radio launched annual Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaigns promoting our concussion education programming. The campaigns averaged 3552 PSA’s spread across 11 markets in the Commonwealth and resulted in approximately 1,120,000 impressions annually.
PATS in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN), created three 30 minute concussion education videos that aired on PCN’s Sunday Fusion programming.
A 30 minute webchat, “A Collaborative Approach to Concussion Care, Management, and Education” was aired “live” on TV Channel 6 and is housed on the Channel 6 website for future viewing.